About us

Aquafolium is proud to be a social enterprise dedicated to reconnecting and nurturing individuals and society with the natural environment is the primary aim. We see that society’s disconnection with nature as a key determinant for mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Aquafolium. Aqui or Aqua means ‘water’. Water is about flow. Water is about life. It also means ‘here’ and ‘now’. Folium means ‘leaf’. Leaf is about growth and renewal, about energy and bending with the wind. In literal terms Aquafolium is ‘Water Leaf’. Here we very much believe that being fully present in the ‘here and now’ in nature is very important. It helps us reconnect with ourselves.

Our brand is about immersion in nature, and being present in the ‘here and now’.

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Aquafolium is lead by two people with different backgrounds sharing a passion for the healing quality of nature.

Mark has been one of the UK’s leading Wilderness Guides with over 25 years experience of working deep in the back country with a wide range of people from all ages and abilities including those with various physical and mental health conditions. Mark is a qualified bushcraft and survival instructor, wildlife tracker and professional forager. He is also a qualified navigator, first-aider and mountain, moorland walking group & camping leader.

In other duties Mark is an active supporter of the Devon Local Nature Partnership (Natural Devon), is a member of the LNP’s Naturally Healthy Steering Group and previously also leading the County on the development of ‘Social Prescribing’ of non-clinical interventions for the improvement of health and wellbeing and is a keen advocate for the promotion of green prescribing. Mark also works to help develop better commissioning in adult social care & health.

Camilla has worked in policy research and development for many years, throughout local government and the NHS. Achieving a Masters of Science in Social Research. She is currently studying for an MBA. Her interest in striving to improve people’s lives is matched by her love of nature and the outdoors. She became an Army Cadet at the age of twelve, staying into her mid twenties, representing the County in military skills and transitioning to become an outdoor instructor.

Camilla is also an actress and has experience working with drama therapy, holding a certificate in counselling. She has worked closely with young people with severe and multiple sensory disabilities and with Armed Forces veterans including those with PTSD. She has walked the forests of Japan where Shinrin-yoku or ‘forest bathing’ has its roots.